Required. Only PDFs allowed. We will cross-verify details in the form with information in the offer letter uploaded. Please feel free to anonymize your letter before uploading.
Please enter your position exactly as stated in the offer letter.
How are roles decided? We categorize all positions into three kinds of intuitive roles: managers, scientists, and engineers. This is to make it easier to navigate through compensation information for similar positions. We understand that this clustering is approximate and boundaries across roles often overlap. If you have suggestions on other roles we should add, please let us know.
How are meta-levels decided? Levels across companies have quite a bit of variance. To make these easier to compare, we categorize all levels across companies into seven intuitive meta-levels: from Youngling to Legendary. This categorization is based on and some judgement calls. If you see errors or have suggestions, please tell us.
Required. If not in USD, please use this tool for conversions.
Note that this is total equity, not annual.
vesting schedule
% $
There might be other bonuses or grants as part of your compensation package (E.g. retention bonuses, long-term incentive grants).
Please use this free-form text field to provide any important compensation details we missed asking about above (E.g. cliff on signing bonus, atypical vesting schedules, etc.).
Your offer will be manually verified, i.e. we will cross-verify details in the form with information in the offer letter uploaded. If you would like us to get in touch with you to clarify any issues we run into as we verify it, please provide an email address below. This is entirely optional.